Friday 25 May 2012

Yathatho hyaapi kountheya

Yathatho hyaapi kountheya purushasya vipaschithah/

Indriyaani pramaadheeni haranthi prasabham manah//60//

Inriya nigraham ante aashaa maashee vyavahaaram kaadu.Korikalu,indriyaparamaina ichchalu chaalaa mondivi,balamainavi,dhrudamainavi.Oka saari antukunte vaatini vadilinchukovatam chaalaa chaalaa kashtam.Avi yentha balamainavi ante vaatininchi doorangaa vundaali,vaatini vidanaadaali ane dhruda sankalpam pettukunna vaalla manasulanu chalimpa chesthaayi.Yahtnamu,prayathnam antha suluvu kaadu.

These sensual pleasures are very strong and consistant.Once we become victims of these temptations,it is very difficult for us to come out that rut.They tempt even those strong minded persons to go astray again even after they decide to stay away from these pleasures.So one should be mentally and physically strong to avoid them in a full fledged way.

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