Saturday 11 February 2012

Nainam chindanthi sasthraani

Nainam chindanthi sasthraani nainam dahathi paavakah/

Na chaivam kledayanthyaapo na soshayathi maaruthah//23//

Chinnagaa inkonchem munduku pothunnaadu Krishnudu.Naayana Arjuna!ee athma nu yelaanti sakthi ,aayudhamulu chedinchalevu.Agni anagaa yelaanti matalu kaalchalevu.Yelaanti neru deenini thadupaledu.Yentha pedda eeduru gaali ayinaa deenini yendetatlu cheyyaledu.Aathma veetannikee atheethamainadi.Ivevi daanilo yelaanti maarpulu ,cherpulu thelevu.Kaabatti adi saaswathamayinadi.daaniki chaavu puttukalu levu.

Krishna was slowly trying to impress Arjuna as to the facts about aathma and its traits.This aathma can never perish with any kind of weapon.It is invincible,No fire can burn it.Water can not make it wet.Wind can never dry it.It is beyond all these petty things.Because it is eternal and above all materialistic traits.

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