Sunday 22 April 2012

Sukha duhlkhe same kruthvaa

Sukha dukhe same kruthvaa laabhaa laabhou jayaajayou/

Thathoyuddhaaya yujyaswa naivam paapamavaapsyasi//

Krishnudu Arjunudiki deni gurinchi alochincha vaddu.Yudhdhamu kosame yuddhamu cheyyi ani chebuthunnaadu.Ee sthithilo athanu sukhadukhamula gurinchi kaani,laabhanashtaala gurinchi kaani,gelupu votamula gurinchi kaani alochincha vaddu antunnaadu.Nijaaniki Arjunudi prasthatha samayam lo vaati gurinchi alochinche paristhithilo ledu.Alochisthe inkaa dolaayamaanam lo padathaadani Krishnudu vaaristhunnaadu.


Krishna is requesting Arjuna not to think of happiness and sorrow,profit and loss,winning or losing at this juncture.He is telling him to war for the sake of war.By doing this in an unemotional and detached way he is sure  not to do any wrong.Actually Arjuna is not in a mentally fit position to think about all these things at this juncture.

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